Prayagraj Maha Kumbh Controversy Urdu and Persian words Saints demanded to change Name ANN

Prayagraj Maha Kumbh Controversy Urdu and Persian words Saints demanded to change Name ANN

Prayagraj News: Maha Kumbh is to be organized in the Sangam city of Prayagraj after a few months. This time around 40 crore devotees from all over the world are expected to attend the Maha Kumbh. In the world’s largest religious event, the saints and Mahatmas of the Akharas will enter the city in a royal procession and will also take a royal bath on the three major bathing festivals. However, before the Maha Kumbh, the demand to replace Urdu and Persian words like Peshwai and Shahi Snan with other names is increasing continuously.

Most of the saints and mahatmas of the Akharas have now agreed that Urdu and Persian words like Peshwai and Shahi Snan should be changed. In the biggest event of the faith of Sanatan Dharmis, words of Sanskrit and Hindi should be used instead of the dialect and language of the followers of other religions. Some saints have suggested Amrit Snan, Rajasi Snan, Triveni Snan and Divya Snan instead of Shahi Snan. Similarly, it has been said that instead of Peshwai, the city entry of saints should be done.

However, the saints say that an appropriate decision will be taken soon after considering this in the meeting of the Akhada Parishad to be held in Prayagraj. This is a matter related to all the thirteen Akhadas. In such a situation, the final decision on this can be taken only in the meeting of the Akhada Parishad, because the words like Peshwai and Shahi Snan are written on all government records including the gazetteer and their names cannot be changed without making changes in them.

Words like Peshwai and Shahi give a feeling of slavery

Today in Sangam city Prayagraj, on the occasion of 530th birth anniversary of revered Bhagwan Shri Chand, saints and mahatmas of different akhadas gathered at Bada Panchayati Akhara of Udasi sect and discussed this. Most of the saints were of the opinion that the name given during the Mughal period should be changed. Change in the name has now become necessary. According to Mahant Yamuna Puri, secretary of Mahanirvani Akhara, words like Peshwai and Shahi give a feeling of slavery, hence such words should be used which promote Indian culture and Sanatan Dharma. He told that this will be discussed in the proposed meeting of Akhara Parishad in Prayagraj in the last week of this month or in the first week of October.

Gopal ji Maharaj also agreed

Gopal Ji Maharaj of Nirvani Ani Akhara also agreed to this and said that there can be no better opportunity than the Maha Kumbh of Prayagraj for this change. Vyas Muni Ji Maharaj of Bada Panchayati Akhara said that it is not right to comment on this issue without any decision of the Akhara Parishad. However, he also admitted that most of the saints are in favor of change. Shivanand Ji Maharaj of the same Akhara expressed hope that there will definitely be a consensus on the change in the soon meeting of the Akhara Parishad. On the occasion of the birth anniversary of Lord Shri Chand Ji Maharaj, a large number of saints and Mahatmas gathered in Bada Panchayati Akhara today. Worship was performed with full rituals. After this, a feast was also organized.

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